Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pasta Storage Has Anybody Ever Heard Of Some Kind Of Storage Unit That You Could Store Pasta In?

Has anybody ever heard of some kind of storage unit that you could store pasta in? - pasta storage

We live in South Florida, and we can keep the dough in a normal closet, you will get errors. I do not know whether a restaurant could have sealed effecting something.


kdbest said...

Tupperware airtight container made specically for the use of the paste, (tall and thin)

cmdynami... said...

I have the same problem. I have a lunch box, which is high for me and spaghetti, macaroni, etc., in a jar with tight lid (a mayonnaise jar is a big task, and it's free).

sweettex... said...

I have heard of a container for cooking pasta could be the same for the storage of work. Tupperware seems. The use of sealed storage bags. I have it with rice. Good luck

meandher... said...

in your refrigerator or freezer

meandher... said...

in your refrigerator or freezer

foodlove... said...

Yes, there are probably a dollar store. They are usually tall and cylindrical. They help to ensure the paste then, so there is less chance of breakage. There is also a similar device for cooking the pasta for you, but I forgot his name.

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